Kreisleriana, Op. 16,  (1838)

                "I'm overflowing with music and beautiful melodies now – imagine, since my last 
        letter I've finished another whole notebook of new pieces. I intend to call it Kreisleriana. 
        You and one of your ideas play the main role in it, and I want to dedicate it to you – yes, 
         to you and nobody else – and then you will smile so sweetly when you discover yourself 
         in it."
                                                                              Letter from Robert to Clara

        E.T.A. Hoffmann and Kreisleriana

        Emotional mood swings, volitility 

Kreisleriana, Op. 16.  (1838, rev 1850)  Yuja Wang, piano  (9:30)

   1.  Äußerst bewegt (Extremely animated), D minor

   2.  Sehr innig und nicht zu rasch (Very inwardly and not too quickly), B♭ major. 

              This movement in ABACA form, with its lyrical main theme, includes two contrasting 
               intermezzi.  In his 1850 edition, Schumann extended the first reprise of the theme by 
               twenty measures in order to repeat it in full.

   3.  Sehr aufgeregt (Very agitated), G minor

   4.  Sehr langsam (Very slowly), B♭ major/G minor

   5.  Sehr lebhaft (Very lively), G minor  (3:40)

   6.  Sehr langsam (Very slowly), B♭ major  (3:36)

   7.  Sehr rasch (Very fast), C minor/E♭ major  (2:09)

   8.  Schnell und spielend (Fast and playful), G minor. 

              Schumann used material from this movement in the fourth movement of his first symphony.

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